e-mail: circoloscacchipadovano@gmail.com
info 3313483295 whatsapp (consigliato), per chiamare sab-dom 10.00 - 20.00

Chess lessons and our halls
Learning success often depends on finding the right chess instructor; someone who knows the subject well and understands how to inspire others. Our teaching style focuses on skills training, but also emphasizes self-exploration and the discovery of a passion for something new. Take a look at the lessons we provide you and choose the right one for you.

Tuesday 16:30 - 18:30
Lessons for kids up to 18 years
Activities take place in Sala Foscolo

Friday 21.00-23.00
The activity takes place in the Ungaretti Room The first 20 minutes will be dedicated to a short lesson to improve one's game through the deepening of tactical and final openings. The rest of the time will be dedicated to free play.

Saturday 9.30-12.30 / 15.00-18.30
Bar Flamingo, via forno 37 Tencarola
Lessons for kids up to 18 years
Activities take place in Sala Leopardi and Sala Ungaretti. The students will be divided into 2 groups to allow the instructors to pay the utmost attention to each individual student.
Saturday 9.30-12.30 / 15.00-18.30
Activities take place in Sala Leopardi and Sala Ungaretti. The students will be divided into 2 groups to allow the instructors to pay the utmost attention to each individual student.


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